Asphalt & Tarmac professionals!


Car Park Asphalt

Car Park Asphalt Welcome to Mactar: Your Premier Destination for High-Quality Car Park Asphalt Traffic Signage in Ireland At Mactar, we understand the importance of seamless traffic flow and safety within car parks. That’s why we’re proud to offer top-of-the-line car park asphalt traffic signage solutions tailored to meet...

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Car Park Lining Services in Ireland

Car Park Lining Services in Ireland   Welcome to Mactar, your trusted partner in ensuring safe and efficient traffic management through our top-notch car park lining services. If you’re seeking reliable and professional solutions for car park markings in Ireland, you’re in the right place. Let’s explore how our...

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Car Park Waterproofing

Car Park Waterproofing When it comes to protecting your car park from the unpredictable Irish weather, choosing a strong waterproofing solution is absolutely essential. In Ireland, where rain and moisture are constant companions, a reliable car park waterproofing system goes beyond just structural durability; it serves as a proactive...

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Anti-Skid Surfacing Ireland

Anti-Skid Surfacing Guide to Anti-Skid Surfacing Anti-skid surfacing is utilized in various high-risk areas such as car parks, junctions, and pedestrian crossings, where increased surface friction and enhanced grip are crucial for safety. What is anti-skid surfacing? Anti-skid surfacing, also known as high-friction surfacing, is a specialized material applied...

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Car Park Resurfacing, & Car Park Line Marking Ireland

Car Park Resurfacing, Line Marking Mactar has a wealth of experience and expertise in car park construction.   We offer a variety of solutions to look after all types of Carparks as well as refurbishing existing Carparks and updating Or reorganizing line marking.   External car parks Internal car...

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Routine Maintenance

Routine Maintenance Local Authority Roads – Local, Regional & National Routes TII (NRA) Bridge Maintenance Programmes Industrial & Enterprise Parks Pharmaceutical Facilities National Parks Mactar supports Ireland’s local authorities, providing an extensive range of services to support the Irish road network 24/7, 365 days a year. As great as...

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Civil Engineering

Civil Engineering Site Development Works Street Enhancements Culverts Drainage – Foul & Surface Water Utilities Public Lighting Kerbing Fencing Signage Mactar carries out all types of civil engineering, paving, services & utilities & small above ground building work for all clients whether they are private, or publicly funded. We...

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Road Construction

Road Construction Road Construction – Local, Regional & National Roads Road Realignments Road Improvement Schemes Emergency Road Stabilisation Works Bitumen material make up & surfacing Road markings Mactar is equipped with the best quality equipment in Ireland for road construction. Our team has in-depth knowledge of road resurfacing, pavement...

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Hot Box Hire

Hot Box Hire Mactar supply Ireland’s County Councils, Civil Engineering Companies and others within the road maintenance industry with high-quality commercial vehicles, on both short and long term hire. We are delighted to have worked alongside, the majority of civil engineering and utility companies, most county councils and building...

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